Saturday, February 23, 2008

A Thousand Paths to Zen - book

Make a nice big fire, chuck all your Buddhism on it, and warm yourself in its glow

Sound of one hand clapping.

"Rather than bother with that", she said, " Clap both hands and get on with it"


Religions control people to made them behave in a certain way. Zen sets people free to behave just like people.

It is dangerous to let people be themselves ? Won't they steal, rape and murder ? But they do that ( often in the name of religion) anyway.

Don't struggle to be a someone , Just realise you are no one.

The world does not need improvement.

You does not need improvement.

When you understand that,

both you and the world will be much improved.

People feel threatened and rush to the defence of their God, as if god wasn't big enough to take care of himself.


Zen won't make you walk on water or fly, but who need it ?

A bit of grass can float and any bug can fly.

Meet a devil and pat his head -

How will he stop being a devil without your help ?

Zen buddhism ( as opposed to Zen) has sutra, prayers, candles , drum and incense.
But all these are just props. The play can be performed without them.

Would you have a water fight with your friends if people are dying of thrist?

On receiving a stupid answer, Huang po give his student a slap.
" How uncouth you are !" shouted the student.

" What a fool to distinguish between
couth and uncouth" and he gave him another slap.

Birth & rebirth

" Why aren't they enjoying a world of birth, renewal, youth and beauty"

In a synagogue, I was asked to cover my head, in a church to bare it, in a temple to remove my shoes. Is god so free to care about my head or feet ?

easy going man of
tao, abondoned learning and does not strive.
neither avoid false
thoughts nor seek true.
ignorance is the reality of buddha nature.
And this illusory, changing, empty body is the dharma body.

People like to get rid of bad ideas and attached to good ideas like love, trust, loyalty.

1 comment:

Susu Kacang said...

hey metta....nice post but cannot read towards the end....