Saturday, February 23, 2008

Some thoughts -good and bad.

I cannot stop people from doing evil,

neither can i force people to do good.

10 years later, I think I am right - Just Let go - let it be, let it be, let it be - music, please


We spent time preparing for examination, in which only a small percent of the syballus is asked during the examination.

After over a decade studying, after we graduate with degree,Master, we utilise less than 10 percent of what we learn.

Singaporean male spent two and a half year of National service for the defence of Singapore, preparing for war so that it will not happen.

We spent time worrying about the future, worrying about this, about that.

We spent time preparing for things that might never happen.

The only thing certain is this life is death.

Why don't you spend some time preparing for it ?


Death is the most liberating moment of your life.

If i had no body, i had less suffering.


From a monk :

Imagining you had to take care of a person, spoon feeding him, washing him, etc, day in , day out.

Will you feel tired ?

Now think,

Ain't you doing the same thing - taking care your body , day in , day out ?


Isn't this tiring ?


Some people are interested in opening their third eye, to see " things" .

For me, super natural senses are just a by product of your practise. it should not be the aim for your practise.


Service with Honour - motto of National Junior college

In serving, serve

In killing, kill.


Unlearn to learn.

Die to live.

Empty to be full.


Are you aware of your heart beat ?

Are you aware of your breathing ?

Are you aware that this earth is buddha land ?


Early birds catches the worm.

Early worms got caught by birds.


good and bad.

To a fisherman, the net is his livelihood.
To a fish, the net is a killing field.

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