Saturday, February 9, 2008

engaging compassionately with the world

' Life beyond the cloistered walls of ritual and religious formality offers me
infinite possibilities for engaging compassionately with the world."

Even buddha and his sangha had their share of competitive clashes. In fact, one of buddha's disciple tried to poison the buddha.

The appointment of the sixth ancestor as dharma scucessor was so resented that he
had to flee the monastery for his life.According to legend, a mob of monks ran
after him, prepared to kill him.

Imagine, Buddhist monks who devote their entire lives to "the Dharma" - the first
law is to do no harm - running after a brother monk with the intention of killing

Clearly, dharma and karma are a piece, and it's our task, to learn how to swing back and forth with their ever changing play.

pg 79, Grassroots Zen.,M1

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