If there is no mud, there is no lotus.
Is is the dirty mud of this samsara world that make the lotus plant grow and blossom.
Avoid Evil, do Good, purify the mind.
Avoid Evil so that you have a quiet mind.
Do Good so that you have a strong mind.
There is no good, no bad.
no mind.
Since all is void, Where do the dust alight ?
We avoid evil.
We cling to goodness -fame, wealth, family, justice, freedom, good friends, good dharma, good teacher
Clinging so hard until we cannot live without the goodness , and will fight and die for it.
Cling so hard until we do not know how to let go.
Babies come to this world clinging their fists.
Adults leave this world with open palms.
-from a article
The mind game
Stage 1. you are attached to other's evils deed, You hate them.
Stage 2. you are attached to your righteousness. Thing should be done this way, I am right, they are wrong.
Stage 3. You are angry.
Stage 4. You are frustrated.
Stage 5. I am practising, they are not. Let them suffer their own karma.
Stage 6. You are depressed.
Stage 7. You are struck.
Stage 8. Buddha was hurt by his disciple, Jesus was crucified on a cross. Grandhi was assassinated.
Stage 9. If the water is too pure, there will no fish - 水清无鱼 Chinese saying
Stage 10. Bingo.
End of game.
If the water is too pure, there will no lotus
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